Beth’s Gift Giving Wish List

Even though I am the easiest person to buy for, I’ve decided to make a wish list of the things that I REALLY want. I’m not saying get one of each (because a lot of them are expensive), but I’m giving a variety:
-A leather motorcycle style jacket ( Click for example)
-Jewelry is ALWAYS nice 🙂
-Donkey Konga (We’ll definitely need to get a Wii)
-Stuff From Think Geek (Click here for wish list)

-Camera and its equipment. I want a Canon Rebel xti, but I can handle the older xt version. Of course, then I would need lenses, a flash, and other stuff (like memory cards, extra batteries, etc)
-Gift certificates are always appreciated; iTunes, Target, Starbucks, Amazon, Sephora, Zappos, or Think Geek just to name a few
-Pretty much anything from Cobblestone or Thistle and Clover (stores located in Main Street St. Charles)
-Anything Celtic
-DVDs are always nice (that’s a LONG list though)