
So, I read Deathly Hallows in about 7 hours, and that was great. I also bought a couple of Photoshop/Photography books, which I devoured quickly as well. I am in DESPERATE need of some new reading material. I’m working on re-reading the Pern series, but I’ve read it way too many times, and would really prefer something new. I really prefer sci-fi and fantasy, so please suggest something!
Oh, and a random comment….I am going to MURDER my cat. No real reason why except she’s frickin annoying. Ugh.

4 thoughts on “Books

  1. The Honor Harrington series is a good one I think. Better yet, all of the older books are available online for free. The books are excellent and I buy them as I see them even though they are all online.
    I highly recommend them.

  2. Oh my. Where to begin. Here are some titles. I can’t recall the authors on some of them.
    Discworld series – Terry Pratchett
    A Canticle For Leibowitz
    Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars
    The Demolished Man – Alfred Bester
    Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang – Kate Wilhelm
    A Scanner Darkly – Philip K. Dick
    The Left Hand of Darkness – Ursula K. Leguin
    The Foundation series – Isaac Asimov

  3. I am reading the autobiography of Anthony Keidis from The Red Hot Chili Peppers. It’s not fantasy or sci-fi, but it has a lot of sex and drugs in it, if that’s your kinda thing.

  4. The Riverworld series by Philli[ Jose Farmer is back in print. Well worth it. 🙂 And if you ever liked fairy tales, Dennis L. McKiernan has some coll modern adaptations of some classics. He also has written a Tolkien-like saga that’s about 10 (or more) books long.

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