Earbuds are the devil

Seriously, HOW can people wear earbuds?  They hurt my ears like a mofo, and never stay in for more than a minute.  And before you ask, NO, I’m not shoving them into my ear canals.  

So, the hunt is on for earbuds that will be comfy for my small ears, work with my iPhone, and don’t cost $100.  Yeah, good luck with that!
Anyhoo….Matt decided that he wanted to buy his OWN graduation present (I’m still grumbling about that, but whatever), and picked up two tickets to see Kids in the Hall at the Pageant.  I wonder if they’re really going to rape Kevin, like they said they would?

4 thoughts on “Earbuds are the devil

  1. Sally- you’re on crack, you know that? lol
    Lacie- I think that’s what I need! I HATE regular earbuds! Thanks. 😀

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