SO dang cute

So, I went to babysit my nephew Addison for just a couple of hours while Matt’s mom went to the dentist (she watches him every day while Christine is at work), and he was adorable. When Aggie (Matt’s mom) got home, we went outside played in the sandbox, and blew bubbles. I’m surprised actually remembered to grab my camera bag, but I’m glad I did, because I took my new favorite picture today:
He has the most gorgeous eyes. And such a ham for the camera.

One thought on “SO dang cute

  1. This photo is GORGEOUS! Look how you caught the light in his eyes!!!! Fantastic Beth- I’m so proud of you! 🙂 And the one of the rings on the cake topper is really pretty!
    I actually think I’m jealous of your cake topper. Mine was so not that cool. Just roses and a ribbon. Boooo. :/

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